As an avid pokemon fan, of course I had to get the Gen 3 remakes! I did have the original pokemon Sapphire game on my gameboy SP. Oh gosh, that was so long ago already. Anyway, I'm sad to say that my team in Sapphire was pretty pathetic. In my old team, my starter was Torchic, then the rest of my team consisted of Linoone, Mightyena, Pelipper, Swellow, and Altaria. With a sad team like that, no wonder I struggled. This remake is a chance for redemption!
Trainer Name: Hylia
ID No. 27832
Name Swampert HP 334
Type Water/Ground Attack 323
Ability Torrent Defense 174
Sp Atk 247
Earthquake Sp Def 187
Surf Speed 134
Ice Beam
Sludge Wave
Name Sceptile HP 254
Type Grass Attack 284
Ability Overgrow Defense 158
Sp Atk 301
Energy Ball Sp Def 161
Dig Speed 260
X Scissor
Name Blaziken HP 298
Type Fire/Fighting Attack 350
Ability Speed Boost Defense 154
Sp Atk 302
Rock Slide Sp Def 153
Flamethrower Speed 158
Shadow Claw
Sky Uppercut
Name Salamence HP 367
Type Dragon/Flying Attack 382
Ability Intimidate Defense 178
Sp Atk 241
Fly Sp Def 155
Dragon Claw Speed 209
Steel Wing
Name Gardevoir HP 329
Type Psychic/Fairy Attack 137
Ability Synchronize Defense 127
Sp Atk 383
Moonblast Sp Def 255
Psychic Speed 188
Shadow Ball
Name Groudon HP 404
Type Ground Attack 386
Ability Drought Defense 347
Sp Atk 237
Lava Plume Sp Def 171
Brick Break Speed 193
Solar Beam
My goal this time around was to have a party of all pokemon that can mega evolve. Although technically groudon primal evolves but it's kind of the same thing. I like how it does it automatically though so it doesn't count in the one mega evolution per battle limit. Anyway, kudos to you if you can guess the theme of all my pokemon's names. I've also got a Wailord named Jabu Jabu.
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