June 1, 2017

Remembering Christmas Past

I had a pretty event Christmas season in 2016, I think. And probably an even more eventful new year but I'll get to that later. My work party was at Union Station, as usual. I'm still a bit salty about my parents not bringing me along to their work party which was held in the portrait museum. The entirety of the portrait museum rented out for this party and I am not there?!? They didn't even know where the portrait museum was! Anyway, my own work party was fun too even without the open bar.

I love how the city gets around the Christmas season. Between random holiday markets popping up to the cute Christmas decorations and random Christmas trees in all the stores, everything just looks happier.

Every year, my family and I try to go to one of the many different Christmas light displays in the area. This time we went to the Meadowlark Winter Walk of Lights in Vienna. The temperatures were below freezing but I was absolutely prepared. In fact, I have so many winter coats that I have a different one for every 10 degree change (only applies to temperature range in Virginia).

No photos of actual Christmas. I worked both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Oh well.

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