December 1, 2017

If only it were that simple...

This was a dream I had on September 23, 2017. We all know my subconscious is trying to tell me something and it's clear here what that is but my pride and also embarrassment won't let me say that out loud. Anyway, enjoy my ridiculous mind.


I was a traveler. I explored the whole world and was almost like an Indiana Jones type archaeologist searching for adventure and hidden tombs. My current trip brought me to a desert in Turkey (look I’m aware Turkey doesn’t have a desert). It was a mysterious desert that seemingly came out of nowhere. I had been driving on a regular road when I left a certain town, some sand whipped up a small storm then I found myself in a desert. Nothing to see for miles and no other cars on the road. I kept driving down the road but felt like something or someone was constantly watching me.

Eventually the road ended but the desert kept going. I left my car and continued on foot. Farther down at in the middle of the desert to the point I could hardly see the road, I found a cave. Imagine kind of like the cave of wonders in Aladdin except it was a human head with its mouth open as an entrance. Curious, I walked in.

Inside there was a woman, very old and almost cowering. The inside of the cave was hot, scalding at some points. It was only a small room. There were these sort of windows with jail bars on them but they don’t lead outside, rather they look into another even hotter room full of lava. The only furniture inside was a large refrigerator. On the side where the windows were, there was a ladder leading up to a platform that crosses into the other room.

The old woman looked at me, almost relieved. I told her this place is wonderful. A great archeological discovery. She looked happy to hear that and told me I could explore more and learn more to my heart’s content if she would trade places with me. I would become this God’s designated priestess as this was a shrine/temple of sorts. Not really knowing what the details were, I verbally and casually agreed. Immediately she started laughing maniacally and ran out of the temple as fast as she could.

When she left, the temple door closed and I was trapped inside. The God of the temple spoke to me, telling me that as a priestess I am to remain here. I explored a little bit, speaking with this God. This part of the temple was to be my room. The other room is like his science experimenting/ creation room and I am allowed to observe but not to come in, hence the bars on the windows. The temple doors closed at night but opened back up during the day.

Once morning came, I left the temple. I could almost feel his unhappiness although I couldn’t see him. I eventually found my car and was able to drive back to the city in Turkey ( I don’t know which city). However, as night came, I heard rumbling in the streets. A large centipede was in the city and it was coming for me, trying to return me to the temple.

I fled the city. I was constantly travelling. First from Europe to the U.S. to South America to Asia to Africa and the cycle continued. I was constantly pursued. It wasn’t always a centipede. It took on different forms like sometimes a large flaming stallion or even once in the U.S. a biker. Whatever that pursuer was, he worked for that God and he can talk. He didn’t really leave destruction in his wake, mostly just scared the shit out of the people around me. He was mostly just trying to get me back to the temple. But I was young and single! I still had so much to see of the world in my time!

After a year of playing this game, I had gotten tired of it. There were some times he would be able to catch me and I would get transported back to the temple. I would just do the same thing all over again. But one year older and the constant pursuit felt like it aged me decades. After agreeing to let me spend my birthday with my family, I was transported back to the temple after the party.

I spent my days inside the temple, learning from the God. He imparted me with a lot of knowledge and he seemed happy to have someone listen. In turn, he let me have a lot of things. I was given nice clothes and able to design my room, at least, the way I wanted. I got nice furniture and a nice phone and laptop. I was mostly entertained through the internet. In my remote life, I became a blogger of sorts.

With my life in the temple, I actually did not age. Sometimes his experiments got out of hand. One time I felt the room next door getting too hot. I tried to cool myself in front of the fridge but he had to transport me out because he accidentally made an explosion. With years, this established a trust between us. I started not to mind the temple, thought of it kind of like free rent and a super rich adoptive father that gave me most material things I wanted.

Eventually he started letting me out for day trips. Sometimes I can be transported to different places with that shape-shifting pursuer from before as my chaperone as long as I would return by the evening. It allowed me to travel the world but I just couldn’t stay out late. As more years went by, I was allowed to be out days at a time as long as I would return. I always would return.

At one point I got pregnant (not sure who the father was but I didn’t really care). I then spent most of my days in the temple to relieve the pregnancy burdens and symptoms. My family moved to Turkey to be closer to me. I guess for my service even though I don’t do much of anything but hang around the temple and chill, my family was blessed with prosperity. The small town they were in also began to grow as a result.

I raised my daughter in the temple and she was happy there. We would visit my family in the town often. I got pregnant again… and again but I had such easy pregnancies and births in the temple that I didn’t mind it. Once my children were grown, they would move to the nearby town, which then began to blossom into a major city. Centuries pass and I think by the end of the dream I had given birth to like 200 children, all different ages and living in the city close by. The city became very prosperous and the desert evolved into an oasis with lush greenery and crystal clear lakes and rivers.

At the end of my dream, I was returning from the city from visiting one of my youngest children, who also had a small child of her own now and a cute Yorkie as a pet. She wanted to walk me to the temple and show her daughter where she had grown up. The path to the temple was beautiful. Beautiful trees and flowers and sweet animals and the bugs don’t go near you. The water was clear and cool and we waded through the river to get to the temple for them to say goodbye to me until my next visit. Apparently the simple companionship I provided was all this God needed, and his happiness turned this land and my own life in a way, into paradise.


Don't judge me for my horrible story telling and writing. English is not my strength and I have the bad habit of switching tenses. As long as the story got across somehow is what matters. 

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