June 24, 2020

Pokemon Ultra Moon Team

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon was so out there. I mean sure the last game had the ultra beasts, but this one has aliens and travelling through wormholes and exploring other uhh galaxies? worlds? planets?  Everything was just that much more ridiculous in this game. My character is a little self indulgent as well.

Meet my character Ariana! If you think that I named and possibly modeled this character a little bit after Ariana Grande then... ha you are completely right! Complete opposite design of my Moon character, which was on purpose. I went with something colorful and also went with a very cute girly team this time.

Getting a Primarina with the right nature and also a female gender is so hard so I gave up. This whole team was so cute and feminine and adorable and I love them all. Not a great team for battling and I definitely struggled more compared to the team I had in Moon. Many of them didn't have as diverse of  a moveset or as great base stats as my previous team but like I'm going for a certain aesthetic here! As long as I have them levels above the opponent, I'll be fine! I'm not trying to be competitive or anything.

I definitely enjoyed having photos with my team and I really wanted a team with an alolan Ninentails. Also alolan Raichu is adorable and Bewear is adorable and Salazzle and Tsareena are just so sassy looking. I loved my team okay!

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