July 15, 2017

Paris owns the key to my heart, bonjour!

Right after the food desert known as Iceland, it was so relieving to be in food paradise Paris. It helps that Ella has been to Paris multiple times before and knows a decent amount of French. Iceland was a pretty packed schedule so we took it easy the first day in Paris. Anyway, this will be a quick overview of all the sights we saw.

We stayed at a hostel called the Plug-inn, which helped save us a lot of money compared to staying in a hotel. Not to mention, the montmartre area is nice to stay in as well as being walking distance to two metro stops of different lines. I will tell you though, it has the tiniest elevator I have ever seen.

Notre Dame
I am catholic so it was a huge experience for me to have mass in Notre Dame and it was in French! I mean I didn't understand a word of it but hey it was an authentic experience. I attended a very early mass and afterwards I climbed up to the top of the building. Since it is such an old building, it's all spiral stairs and tiny hallways. It was basically like using a stairmaster. I was dying by the end but the view was worth it.

Saint Chapelle
Another church however smaller and not in use. It's a bit hidden away behind other buildings.

Bridge of Locks and Île de la Cité
While looking around the small island, I actually found this place by accident.

A beautiful palace from the outside but a bare dungeon on the inside.

Disney Paris
Obviously much smaller than the one in Orlando. The rides are similar to the ones in Anaheim. The castle is small and based on the sleeping beauty. It was cold and somewhat rainy but we made it work. Ella bought that overpriced balloon to get a photo like the ones we always see on instagram but that balloon would just not cooperate. Despite being in the middle of winter, there were still a lot of people there. I also thought the souvenirs they had are cheaper and fancier looking than the ones in the US.

Palace of Versailles
Definitely a must go place. Obviously not as beautiful as in the summer since the gardens are a bit dead, but the palace itself is huge. Not to mention there are smaller buildings throughout the property that are nice as well. It's definitely a whole day affair.

oooh thanks Ella! I really love this photo

I guess I took more pictures than I thought. Even in winter, Versailles is so beautiful that maybe I took way to many pictures. I would love to come back and visit it in the spring. More of Paris still to come on my next post!

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