July 22, 2017

Paris owns the key to my heart - The Louvre

Another one that is a whole day affair. Walking the whole building is a workout all on its own. Still, it was kind of life changing being able to see in person all these famous works of art that I've only seen in pictures before. This will be picture heavy because there is so much to photograph. Some because of their beauty but some because they look downright hilarious. I had way too many photos that this really just needed its own post.

looking done with their shit

the whole place has a surprising amount of dead fish paintings

I can honestly say animal crossing has made me more versed in art

I cannot get over the flying jesus jet

I don't know if this is purposely knocked over or not

I thought this was the most memorably and hilarious painting

Is this not just a tourist photo made into a painting?

That angel looked like it drunkenly stumbled into the scene

lol no lie this reminds me of my dad

Walking the entirety of the Louvre was such a workout. My feet were aching the end. The amount of art in there is overwhelming. I almost feel like this place needed a segway guided tour or at least moving floors.

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