January 15, 2018

ICE! at the National Harbor

I love seeing the ice sculptures of the ICE! exhibit, which is held at the National Harbor every year. They did move it to be actually inside the Gaylord Hotel this time, which confused me because I'm used to it being outside the hotel. So I spent a bit of time wandering around trying to find the actual entrance. Anyway, this year's theme is Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer!

At the end, they did have a little Christmas village that had activities for kids to do and of course hot chocolate to warm up with. They even managed to fit an ice skating rink in there somehow. And right before you leave is of course, the gift shop.

The Gaylord itself is a beautiful hotel, best know for the atrium area where they brought the outdoors in. It's somewhere I often bring visitors to. They decorate it for the holidays and at certain times, there is a fountain show and also fake snow falling.

Outside, the streets of the National Harbor are also decorated for the holidays. They even have a huge tree and a whole tree lighting celebration usually. I love the holidays for how festive and decorated everything becomes. I wish it could last this whole sad winter.

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