April 6, 2018

The annual cherry blossom madness

It's spring in the district and nothing says spring like the blooming of the area's cherry blossoms. We have had some really weird and fluctuating weather so pinpointing the peak bloom has been difficult. If you are able to stop by the area, peak bloom for the tidal basin is April 5-8. As usual, the onslaught of tourists has made driving and the afternoon rush hour a nightmare. For those of us working in D.C. or even in Arlington, we definitely felt the horror. Still, it's a pretty nice sight to see despite all the trouble.

Other than the tidal basin, there are cherry blossoms all on that one area to Hains Point and back, as well as random trees all around D.C. and Maryland and Virginia. You just have to know where to look. If you miss it, well the bloom of our magnolia's and plum trees are just as nice too. Yes, I know I have a lot of photos of the monument. You should know us DMVers have an unusual obsession with our beloved monument! Better luck next year!

Blind Whino
If you get the chance, you can visit the space at the blind whino where there is a gallery showcasing some prints for sale of the cherry blossoms from locals. The photos are great and the building itself is pretty cool too!

Artechouse: Sakura Yume
Limited time installation celebrating spring and the cherry blossoms. One of the exhibits in the back is really fun and interactive. If you want to do a fancy dinner, they do have some limited slots for an augmented reality infused dinner, I believe. If not, their bar is just as nice. All the drinks they had on the menu were really good. Open late too until 10pm!

Cherry Blossom Pop Up Bar
If you are still feeling energetic late at night, come see the limited time only cherry blossom pop up bar. I recommend going on a weekday because weekends are packed. The drinks are a bit pricey and have unique flavors but I just really wanted a picture with that cat mug.

I'm sure there are other cherry blossom themed things to do but these are all the ones I've done so far. And there is always something new every year. After all, D.C. loves its cherry blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. Oh very wonderful photos darling
    Everything is so pretty
