October 14, 2017

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

My day started out very rainy. It rained all day. I was soaked and my bag was soaked and my shoes were soaked. I even had an umbrella! Anyway, I took a walk through the Botanical Gardens to find something very specific.

Mrs. Macquarie's Chair
I didn't know what it looked like so I spent some time looking for a bench when it turns out its actually a carved rock face made into a bench. Anyway, this has a nice view of the harbor. It was said the old Governor Macquarie's wife used to sit in this spot so they then carved a bench into it.

Art Gallery of New South Wales
I believe this is the most well known art gallery in Sydney. It is certainly very large with multiple floors and multiple types of art.

St. Mary's Cathedral
It's probably from being raised Catholic but I just have to see all the beautiful churches. It's pretty large so I had to do a panoramic picture from across the street to even get the whole thing.

Hyde Park, Archibald Fountain, Anzac Memorial
This was one of my favorite places back when I visited Sydney ten years ago. Interestingly it still looks pretty much the same. I'm sure I took a photo similar to the ones I did this time with the trees all arching over this path and this large fountain. Who knows where those photos are anymore.

Australian Museum
I guess I would liken this to a natural history museum. It has lots of things about nature. I even got to touch fossils! And of course, this almost seems so stereotypically Australian but they had a special exhibit on spiders. It was thrilling and terrifying.

seriously I thought this was an ancient tribal selfie stick

Museum of Contemporary Art
I love modern and contemporary art because artists think so outside of the box. Some are really cool and some I may find ridiculous but hey, it's art!

this is the view from the top floor balcony of the museum
this is the view of the street outside the museum

Still more about Sydney to talk about!

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