September 11, 2017

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I really should visit Canada more. After all, I need my dose of poutine every now and then. This time, I went to see Toronto. You can technically drive there if you had the patience from D.C. I don't have the patience so flying it is. It's only about an hour flight away.

I was on my own travelling this time so I had more free time than I usually do. Follow me on my stroll around Toronto. I began by walking towards the Distillery Historic District. Walked down Front street to pass by the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts and the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts.

Also I passed by this super cute fountain decorated with dogs! I wish we had one.

Kept walking down to pass by St. Lawrence Market and Market Gallery.

Made a right somewhere and started walking down the Esplanade. It was nice seeing the more residential parts of the city and its many parks.

Not too long before I ended up at the Distillery Historic District. This place had very interesting shops and unique works of art everywhere, as well as restaurants and cafes.

I walked then towards King Street to head towards St. James Park. On the way, I passed so many design stores and businesses. I saw some of the most interesting furniture and rooms. 

Heading back towards Yonge street, I walked up towards the Eaton Center. I can't keep myself away from shopping no matter how hard I try.

From there, I went to check out Ryerson University. The campus is very pretty and there is a park of some sorts.

Next I went over to the Allan Gardens to check out the conservatory. Even though it is spring, it still felt pretty cold in Toronto. I may not love the great outdoors but I always love flowers and plants. 

Sampaguita may be the Philippines's official flower but the Gumamela (known in English as Hibiscus) has always been my favorite. Anyway, I probably take too many pictures when I travel  but who cares. More to see on my nect post.

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