September 25, 2017

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I started out early in the morning just walking to the waterfront. I passed by the Harbourfront Centre and the Queen's Quay terminal. In the summers they do concerts on weekend nights by there. I saw them setting up the stage for that evening's concert.

Then I began to wander away, passing by some significant landmarks such as the Roger's Center, TIFF Bell Lightbox, Princess of Wales Theatre, Royal Alexandra Theatre, the Design Exchange, and ending up at the Old City Hall.

I finally arrived at the Toronto City Hall and took a rest and some photos on Nathan Phillips square. I walked through the property of Osgoode Hall which was right next to it.

Kept walking down University Avenue, passing by the Mt. Sinai Hospital and Toronto General hospital, finally reaching my destination: Queen's Park and the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. There I was able to take a free guided tour inside.

After this day I actually traveled to Markham to stay with my family. I still had so much left to see in Toronto though. I brought my brother, who is twelve, with me to the Ontario Science Museum. It has multiple levels that can almost get confusing at first.

Our next destination was Casa Loma. The area that Casa Loma is in is a very nice and expensive area with large houses. Then within this neighborhood, you just make a turn on a street then bam a structure that is basically a castle is just in this suburban neighborhood.

I then brought him to the Royal Ontario Museum, which also has a bit of an odd layout. Thank goodness for maps. There are so many floors and it can get quite tiring. We just rushed the very top floor because we were there until closing time.

I've got probably one more post on my trip to Toronto. Stay tuned!

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