July 4, 2013

Bath & Body Works Wallflowers

Like pretty much everyone else, I like to have a good smelling room. My current obsession are those cute wallflowers from Bath & Body Works. They have a variety of scents as well as a variety of wall plug-ins to choose from. Sometimes they have the plug-ins in a holiday theme. I don't really get the holiday themed ones. I like the generic ones that I can use all year round. I have this silly goal that I want to try out all the scents. Good thing for their "6 for $24" deal, I can get these items in bulk!

I didn't like "Frosted Cupcake" as much as I thought I would. It sounded good but it smelled weird. "Lavender and Vanilla" smelled great but I have to say that "Fresh Cotton" is my favorite.

The blue wallflower is so beautiful. It's a very pretty bright turquoise. They have a great selection of designs this spring.

I have only ever had one break on me and that was because I kept it plugged in for a long time without changing the empty scent bottle so that's my fault. I haven't had any break since. The scents lasts for quite a long time, in my opinion. It took me a long time to go through my first bulk of scents before having to buy more. They both look aesthetically pleasing and smell great. I'll definitely continue buying these for my room and bathroom.