Seller: smooth-dealer
Price: $1.55 + $1.99 (standard shipping)
It's a cute little pink box. It was a lot smaller than I thought it would be. It came very quickly, in like a week and a half, because I paid for standard shipping, which also gave me a tracking number. However, there is free economy shipping available also. When the box came, it was in another package and it was a little worn, perhaps from the ride? But the product itself was unharmed, so that's good.
The box came with five pieces. Two small pieces, two medium pieces, and one large piece. They have little things that stick out that help to stick to the hair, so that they don't move and fall out of your head while you have them on (but that would be a funny sight).
Hopefully one step closer to big hair~
Oh really cute and interesting product.
Thank You :)