November 12, 2012

Princess Mimi Green Apple

Princess Mimi Green Apple

Brand: GEO
Water content: 38% - 42%
Diameter: 15.0 mm
Base Curve: 8.7
Duration: 1 year disposable
Purchased from: fobbybarbie

These are the biggest lenses I have ever bought. Got them on a whim because they came with free shipping. I had been eyeing this series for a while then. They are nice and big. Not as big as I had hoped they would be. Gosh, they seemed so big on the pictures and stuff. However, I'm still looking for something bigger (my endless search to find circle lenses big enough to satisfy me).

The color is not as vibrant as it seems. It's actually quite dark and you don't really see it unless you are in a place that is very well lit or taking a picture with flash. I was kind of disappointed in that. I was hoping for something a little bit more vibrant. But by chance that you do get the color, it is quite nice. I like how it is a little yellow in the middle. I think that's unique. I do like the limbal ring being visible so that's a pro.

These lenses actually aren't as comfortable as I hoped. They last maybe a few hours but definitely not as long as the other ones I have worn, which is pretty disappointing. I say maybe 6 hours, but definitely not longer than that. So I can't really wear them to school because I would never last through the day.

Like I said before, although my favorite color is green, I'm just not a fan of green lenses. It was too bad they didn't have my prescription of the sesame gray ones when I ordered. Oh well. I'm totally buying the gray ones next time.


Anyway, here are some side by side comparisons of the Princess Mimi Sesame Grey with the Princess Mimi Green Apple. I personally like sesame grey better, but if green lenses are your thing, green apple is a great choice!

Heterochromia? Lol I wish. I am wearing apple green in one eye and sesame gray in the other. Can you tell? I can barely tell. They do look very similar from far away, especially in dimmer settings. You can only really tell close up.

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